Sky Harbor MHP

  • Price: $1,700,000

Property Description:

Sky Harbor MHP & Apartments is a fifteen space all-ages mobile home community with 11 cottages ranging from 201 square feet to 572 square feet, a 6-unit apartment and a 1,216 square foot two bed and two bath bedroom house located in the city of Phoenix, Arizona. The buildings on the property were constructed between 1930 and 1954 and the park has paved roads. The rents at the property are very low compared to the market. There is one single family home on property that is currently vacant. The house has five rooms, two bedroom and two bathrooms and could easily be rented out for $1,000 per month. The park is currently managed by the owner as well as an on-site assistant manager that are compensated with free rent. The property is located in downtown Phoenix just minutes from Sky Harbor International Airport and has direct access to the light rail located on Washington Avenue that allows for quick and easy public transportation for tenants. The property is serviced by city water and sewer. The current apartment rents range from $400-$575 which also include utilities and is very low compared to the market which would allow for them to be raised closer to the $650 range.

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